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Weekly Wanderlust #4: Queen Beady

Weekly Wanderlust is AllSole’s summer-long series of interviews with our favourite travel bloggers. From unique travelling tales to tips on what to take and where to explore next, Weekly Wanderlust is a hub of discussion designed to intrigue and inspire you onto your next adventure.

Queen Beady Weekly Wanderlust Interview

Last week we caught up with travel and lifestyle blogger Amy Liddell of Salt and Chic to discuss her recommended travel destinations, a deceptive encounter with a stonefish and to ask: what are the perfect travel shoes? This week we are excited to chat with style and travel blogger Queen Beady. Bee started her blog back in 2012 and has developed a strong following thanks in part to the warm, conversational feel of her blog which was a finalist for “Best Fashion Blog” at the Blogger Lounge Awards 2015. Having recently returned from a trip to Oslo, Bee’s next journey will see her head to the blue climes of Nice in the South of France.


Weekly Wanderlust #3: Amy Liddell of Salt and Chic

Weekly Wanderlust is AllSole's summer-long weekly interview series with our favourite travel bloggers. This week we chat to Amy from Salt and Chic about her perfect travel shoes, favourite destinations and her deceptive encounters with stonefish.

Bee Community User

Queen Beady is a fashion, lifestyle and travel blogger based in Leeds. A finalist in the “Best Fashion Blog” category at the Blogger Lounge Awards 2015, Bee's most recent trip saw her explore the Norwegian capital of Oslo before her upcoming visit to Nice in the South of France.

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