Grenson’s Tim Little on First Sneakers, Sneaker Culture & Grenson’s First Sneaker Collection

For over 150 years,
To celebrate the launch of the collection,
Sneakers are here to stay. They aren’t just for sports anymore, they are mainstream footwear and they are being worn with a suit as much as they are with a track suit.
On First Sneakers
"I can’t remember my first ever sneaker but I think it was a basic plimsole that was standard issue for school gym lessons. It was a kind of simple, unbranded shoe that did the job and you can now buy at 10 times the price from trendy Japanese designers. After that I think I moved into Dunlop Green Flash but my Mum didn’t like paying extra for branded goods. How ironic."
On British Sneaker Culture
The next phase for me was the most significant and was all about a brand that dominated the sports shoe market from the 1950s until the 1980s. Adidas was the only sneaker (or trainer as they were known) worth having back then and my first obsession was the adidas Samba, a black shoe with white stripes and a gum sole, that was like a football boot but without studs. I think I had about 10 pairs, not for fashion reasons, but because I wore them out playing football every day on concrete. I also had proper adidas football boots of course, I mean you had to.
Playing Sunday league in Nottingham in the 70s, if you didn’t wear black adidas boots with white stripes, you weren’t serious about the game.
To this day, cartoonists always still draw stripes on the side of football boots as a visual short cut. The Copa Mundial is still the best football boot of all time and I loved mine more than my parents. I heard a story that professional players would buy a pair two sizes too small, put them on and then put their feet in the bath so the leather would mould to their feet. I also know that many players would sign lucrative boot deals with other brands but would still wear adidas with the stripes taken off and the other brands logo glued on. Many years later I worked with adidas and realized I loved the brand more than most of their employees. For me it is still the original sports brand.

Grenson: Celebrating 150 Years of British Craftsmanship
This year marks 150 years since the Grenson brand was born in a loft in Rushden, Northamptonshire. AllSole takes a look at Grenson's rise to becoming one of Britain's premier shoemakers, how the brand is celebrating its 150th anniversary and ponders the future of the brand.
Moving on a few years and I was playing a lot of tennis. One day a guy turned up at our club who had just returned from the States and was wearing what looked like Stan Smiths but with a “swoosh” on the side where the famous Three Stripes would normally sit. He explained that they were called Nike’s (sounding like bike’s), and I was instantly in love even though I felt dirty and adulterous to my adidas who I had worn for 5 years or more. There was a brief diversion to
On Brand Loyalties
From here on I moved around a lot but never really deviated from adidas and Nike very much. Yes I had a pair of
And I guess that is my point. Sneakers are as much about the brand as the shoe itself, maybe more so.
Many of us fall deeply in love with our favourite sneaker brand, even though we won’t admit it. I bet if you’re honest, one brand will have supplied more than 50% of all the sneakers you’ve ever bought. In 1997, I said to myself, imagine if you could create that kind of loyalty for a non-sports shoe brand, wouldn’t that be incredible?
On the new Grenson Sneaker Collection
Which brings me onto our own
In short, Grenson doing sneakers is just another indication (in case you needed one) that sneakers are here to stay and they aren’t just for sports anymore, they are mainstream footwear and they are being worn with a suit as much as they are with a track suit.
Grenson Sneaker 1 in Brown
Grenson Sneaker 1 in White
Grenson Sneaker 3 in Brown