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Why Shoes Should Be The Most Expensive Part of Your Wardrobe

Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution claims that the modern man has developed through descent with modification, with each new generation becoming more intelligent and adapted to its environment than the last. Nevertheless, there are some choices or tastes in the modern world that force us to question the validity of the Theory of Evolution. Whether it be a taste for quirky foodstuffs or a fondness for obscure ‘80s dance pop songs, it is fair to say that we all have that one inexplicable trait. But one of the most puzzling 21st century choices we’ve noticed at AllSole is the attention, or more correctly lack of attention, that we afford our choice of footwear.

In times gone by, your choice of shoes was crucial to your outfit, your appearance and how you were perceived by your peers. Sunday afternoons or evenings would be spent at home polishing your finest footwear ready for the week ahead. Yet today, while most of us are willing to splash the cash on that head-turning little black dress or slim-fitting suit, our choice in shoes can often be left as almost an afterthought to the rest of your outfit. In a plea to correct this mishap, we offer five reasons why your shoes deserve to be the most expensive part of your wardrobe.

  • Sarah Atkinson
    Sarah Atkinson Writer and expert

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