National Sneaker Day | How Many Sneakers Do You Own?

An absolute wardrobe must, you'll find it near impossible to find someone who doesn't own at least one pair of sneakers. An achilles heel for men and women alike, we're a nation obsessed with new releases and keeping our trainers box fresh. From high tops and chunky soles to runners and plimsolls, styles are endless and a saviour for their comfort and versatility. This National Sneaker Day we wanted to get to know a little bit more about your buying habits when it comes to trainers, from how many you own to how much you would spend on a new pair. But first, things first, you might be wondering....
#1 When is National Sneaker Day 2020?
This year National Sneaker Day is on the 9th of October.
#2 Do you follow trends?
We know keeping up with the latest footwear trends can be tricky, with new brands and collections launching every week but that's where we can help. We wanted to know if you follow trends and the results show a majority of 60% said yes with a humble 40% of you sticking to the classics.
#2 Do you have a go-to style?
Do you find it difficult venturing into new sneaker territory or do you like to mix it up depending on your outfit? Almost 60% of our survey said they didn't have a go-to sneaker, agreeing that they liked a variety of styles. Why limit yourself to one when you can have them all!
#3 How many pairs of sneakers do you own?
The results are in, and it's confirmed we really are trainer obsessives with a hefty 50% owning between 4-9 pairs and 25% owning over 10 pairs!
#4 How often do you buy a pair of new sneakers?
Has your sneaker collection started to get out of control or do you treat yourself once a year? We wanted to know how often you buy a new pair and the results show a majority of 2-3 each year. With 6% saying they buy 12 new pairs a year!
#5 What's the most you've spent on a new pair of sneakers?
We know buying a new pair of sneakers isn't like picking up a coffee, with prices easily reaching £500+ for some, but we wanted to find out how much is the most you've ever spent on a pair. The results shows the majority of 37% spent between £101-£150, with 12% saying that they've spent more than £200.