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The Best Shoes for Skateboarding | In Their Shoes

Skateboarding has forever been cool. From 70s subculture to a 90s movie staple, skateboarding is a sport that’s come to represent freedom, rebellion and individuality; all things that we love. All about getting out there and learning as you go, the best way to get into skateboarding is to learn from those around you, so we caught up with Charlie Morgan to get his advice on how to start skateboarding, the best skate shoes and more. 

skate shoes

#1 How long have you been skating and how did you get into it? 

I’ve been skating on and off since I started high school (age 11). I had always found it cool, however, I met a couple of mates who were skaters and that was what ended up getting me on a board.

#2 Where is your favourite place to skate? 

My favourite place to skate is either my local skate park in Handforth, Cheshire - as it’s close to home, or Greystone Action Sports in Salford, Manchester, which is an incredible indoor park.
shake shoes

#3 For anyone wanting to get into skating, what would be your advice for getting started? 

The best bit of advice that I could give to anyone who is wanting to get into skating would be just commit, be patient and keep practising. It’s frustrating as hell at points, but if you power through the frustration with whatever you’re trying to learn, you will end up getting it.

#4 What are the essential items you need to get started with skating? 

Well, you should always consider health and safety when skating so I’d advise a helmet and pads if necessary, but honestly, I’d just say a functional deck and somewhere to ride it is all you need to get going.

#5 Do you have a uniform of things you like to wear when you go out to skate? 

There isn’t a specific uniform for someone to wear when skating. My personal preference when skating is mainly outfits that aren’t too restricting and that are comfy, I always wear fairly baggy clothes anyway so that’s what works for me. But honestly, if you really wanted to and weren’t bothered about wrecking your clothes, you could wear anything you like.

#6 Having the right shoes is obviously really important for skating. What do you look for in your skate shoes? What features do they need to have?

When buying shoes to skate in, I always go for Vansor a nice set of Chuck Taylor Converse. Those shoes to me are comfy as anything and tend to be pretty durable. It depends how you’re skating in them though; I’ve got mates who go through shoes like underpants they skate that hard. But in terms of spec for a skate shoecomfy, easy to move in and a pair you don’t mind ripping to bits. 

#7 What’s your go-to skate soundtrack? 

My skate playlists vary on what mood I’m in that day, it’s mainly old school hip hop I will be listening to, but that can swing to chilled tech, modern rap, rock music and so on.

#8 What’s your favourite thing about skating? 

My favourite thing about skating is that I think it’s healthy to be determined and force yourself to do things even though it may be frustrating at the time, it builds mental strength. Also, the culture that comes with skating is just dope, isn’t it? 


Sarah Atkinson
Sarah Atkinson Writer and expert

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